Asset Pair

An asset pair in cryptocurrency refers to a trading pair composed of two different cryptocurrencies that are exchanged with each other on a digital exchange platform. Each asset pair typically includes a base currency and a quote currency. The base currency represents the cryptocurrency being bought or sold, while the quote currency is used to determine the value of the base currency.

For example, in the BTC/ETH asset pair, BTC is the base currency and ETH is the quote currency. This means that the price of one BTC is quoted in terms of ETH. When trading the BTC/ETH pair, traders can buy BTC using ETH or sell BTC to receive ETH.

Asset pairs are used in cryptocurrency exchanges to facilitate the buying and selling of different cryptocurrencies. Traders use asset pairs to analyze price movements, determine market trends, and make informed trading decisions. Different exchanges may offer different asset pairs depending on the cryptocurrencies they support.

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